Wednesday, October 28, 2009

lil' cupcake's 1st...

how time flies...

birthday girls...

jentri turned 1 on saturday. we had the party at my parents' house so all our families could come. it was also nana's birthday they got to celebrate together...that made it very special! we had a cupcake party. it was so much fun!
opening an early birthday present from nana and papa that morning...

this is her birthday outfit...kind of blurry because she WOULD NOT hold still!

i loved doing the cake and fun!

a few pics of her playing outside the other day...


Bentz Family said...

JESSIE! That Cupcake idea is SOO cute!
I'm stealing that Idea for Sadie!
Happy Birthday Jentri!

alicia.king said...

Happy Birthday to Jentri! I am having a cupcake for Isabella too! That cake is adorable!

JaLesha said...

That giant cupcake cake is sooo cute!! And a pretty dang cute 1 year old too! ;o)